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Quite a fun game, but I feel that when you attack the enemies, the hits don't feel that strong. They feel much lighter than what I'd imagine they should be like. The interactions between the fire and ice are actually quite cool and well thought out as a lot was done with those 2 ideas. The game's style and aesthetic is quite impressive for a short time period. Overall, I really liked this game, Good work!

Thank you for the kind words! The hits on enemies lacking impact is definitely something that could be fixed, but with this being a 48 hour game jam, fine-tuning that is easily classified as a luxury addition we did not have the time for.

Aye, I agree. Still very fun and cool game though!

Wow! I like the game style and idea of the interactions between fire and ice. Good luck to the developers!

Thank you very much (I am Yun-Shou Cheng). We couldn't completely finish our game in time unfortunately, but it was a enjoyable experience nevertheless!

I know who you are Kree ;D
Nah, game is playable, so It could be said that you finish it!

Yeah, I only just noticed that you were Hive Steven from the stream haha. Anyways thank you so much for following our progress throughout this game jam. Your support is very much appreciated :D

I just tried to be  useful somehow. I was glad to meet you all guys. To the next year I guess :)